Player Profiles

If you play with the Playa Pops and want to add your profile to this page just send the photo and bio to and I'll see you get added.


Hurricane Susan


ShyPi earned her name from her first burn in 2015. She's not really shy, but she's an introvert and it rhymes with a number of which she can recite more than 100 digits. Over the last 25 years, ShyPi has performed, toured, and recorded in venues worldwide, including mega concert stadiums and for NPR live radio. She has been invited to work and learn with artists such as Pinchas Zuckerman, Marco Antonio Solis, and others, adding up to three GRAMMY® wins and thirty GRAMMY®-nominations within one degree separation. Her magic helps bigshots earn their big accomplishments. Playapops is no exception.


My name is Moonbeam, and I enjoy long walks on a dusty beach. I've been playing the french horn for about 30 years, with a gap of 20 years sandwiched in the middle there somewhere. Turns out, it's like riding a bike through a dust storm! Familiar, challenging and exactly what I need.

Allen Freedman


Flute, Piccolo, Violin, Kaval.
Musician, Interior Designer, Teacher, Film Archivist.
Ensemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra, Monsters of Bach.
Dream car: 1960 Chevy.


Fiery Fiddler

Hi friends! I’ve been to Burning Man twice and it was utterly life changing for me. Getting to return to the dust with the intention of playing music and making new musical friends, I know it’s going to be the best burn yet!

I live in Portland, OR, and I teach and perform Irish fiddle. I perform at Celtic festivals and Scottish Highland Games throughout the U.S. with my band, Katie Jane Band. I also started the Celtic Light Orchestra- the world’s only light up orchestra!

I can’t wait to meet you and play music with you all! See you in the dust!! )(


My first experience with the PlayaPops was as an audience member at my first burn in 2017. I had not played my flute since freshman year of High School, but I knew I wanted to be a part of the Pops! I signed up for the 2018 season, took months to relearn how to play the pieces, and have been here every year since. Being in this group gave me the confidence to continue playing year round by joining a local wind ensemble at home.

Practicing our pieces is one of my favorite parts of burn prep. I love knowing that there are musicians practicing all over the world, planning to play together soon in BRC.

PlayaPops founder, Pigtails, started something truly special here. She created a fun filled orchestra in the desert that encourages all ability levels to participate. It has such pure Burner spirit! I am so honored to do my part in continuing her work by taking on the role of PlayaPops director.

You can reach out to me for any assistance you may need and I will do my best to help, or point you in the direction of someone who can. Find my email on the Contacts page. Dust wishes!

LisaMarie Parker

Lisa Marie is an ebullient firecracker, mother to the two best middle school girls in Culver City, CA. She’s skipping through life, making friends everywhere she goes, reveling in the freedom from her amicable divorce.

She’s self-employed as a professional eavesdropper and notetaker and enjoys collecting stories. She sings with the world-reknown Angel City Chorale and toured Italy with them in 2023. She’s preparing to be a tree farm heiress to trees rooted near Littleton, Iowa.

From 1994-1998 she attended Flute Camp at the Jan Boland Institute of Flouting in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Her 16th birthday was spent — not at the DMV getting her license, as she would have preferred, but — in a gymnasium of honking horns and whispering woodwinds at an All State Band tryout. She was good enough to get recalled. She didn’t want to be in the All State Band, anyway.

She looks forward to working on restoring her embouchure and playing with the people of the Playa.


I’ve been playing clarinet for over 60 years, including University of Arizona Marching Band, where we appeared in the first Super Bowl. I presently have a 12-piece klezmer band that performs professionally for various events, play alto clarinet in a clarinet choir, and play with various Jewish musical groups. Having attended my first burn in 2010, I was intrigued by all the music on the playa, and started playing with the Burning Band, Playa Pops and others 2016-2019. The last few years I’ve camped with Snowflake Village/Burning Band and look forward to being with all of you in 2022. Safety Third!

Paul Smith

Hi Playa Pops,
per email, I dug up a photo maybe for your site, and one for my bio if you need it

Glockenspiel, Percussion, Melodica, Keyboards, Voice
Musician, teacher, former Silicon Valley web dude
Monsters of Bach, Beach Party All Stars
Favorite flavor: maple