A Word about our Conductor

I am thrilled to be returning to the Playa this year and to have the opportunity to make music with the Playa Pops. For me, music is always a shared experience: not only between the conductor and musicians but also with the audience. That is why I am excited to share orchestral music and also to make a portion of the concert one where we invite the audience to participate with us (i.e. Playa Pops traditions: sing-a-long, kazoos, Happy Birthday, etc).

I have lived in the Bay Area and have professionally conducted a large range of ensembles, from the Oakland Youth Orchestra and Oakland Symphony Orchestra, through Festival Opera, musical theater, and also various community groups like the Diablo Symphony and Contra Costa Chamber Orchestra. I have worked with all ranges and levels of musicians, and have found that creating a shared enthusiasm for the music, and highlighting each players' strengths, the music will positively touch everyone. I am eager to participate in this dialogue with you all and please know that you can reach out to me to discuss anything regarding the music etc at any time.

2024 will be my fourth Burn and my second as part of a camp (this year an established camp Celestial Bodies, but in previous years either camping "on my own" or creating a new camp with friends). I can't wait to discover the unique magic that this years' Burn will bring and to add our special musical talents and magic to the Playa!